Welcome to the Circle of Toastmasters
A group of modern professional toastmasters, available for a range of engagements in the UK and abroad.
President: Reuben Lynch
Secretary: Stephen Townsend
The Circle of Toastmasters is the brainchild of Reuben Lynch, a toastmaster with over twenty years’ experience, who is passionate about the profession.

Reuben Lynch, President
In September 2010, Reuben invited twelve Toastmasters/MCs to a meeting in the Broom Hall Inn and Hotel with a view to forming a new generation of modern, well-trained Toastmasters/MCs to meet and keep pace with the constant changes and requirements of the modern era, whilst maintaining the traditions of all cultures.
As a result of that meeting The Circle of Toastmasters was born, with Reuben as its President.
If you are looking for the services of a Toastmaster, please contact any one of our members directly via their own page on this site.
If you would like to find out more about The Circle of Toastmasters, or if you would like to enquire about becoming a Toastmaster or joining The Circle, please contact our President, Reuben today.